Friday, November 21, 2008

The website should be live shortly. I just went through all of our production stills to pick out the best ones for the website's gallery, and I narrowed it down to 102. Damn. So I narrowed it down to 67. Which then became 35. Which, hopefully, Mike will turn to 20. I'm thinking we could easily come out with a book of production stills once we do a legit feature. If we did one thing right on this movie, it's definitely that. Epic win on production stills.

Will update when the site is live,

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Website, Post-Production, Craig's List?

The Rough Cut is slowly movin' along. Mike's been doing some edits up at school and I've been working on t-shirts and the website layout and all that. It's not going quite as quickly as I'd like, but these things take time, so it's totally understandable. This is the first movie I've made where there are, like, y'know, plots, so I can understand while teen dramedies take more time than people fighting over magic trench coats or adaptations of men in cyborg suits who bob their heads a bunch and love the word 'fuck'.

Also, we might have a new movie to film in December? Aside from finishing the Rough Cut and (hopefully) filming with Josh Gad, our December slate looked pretty bare. There's a zombie project that we've been stirring around the idea pot for a while, but that's a handicam movie, so it wouldn't really use any of these nifty new tricks we learned over Rough Cut, which was my only real problem with it. Luckily, Jon (that Jewish kid on all the Rough Cut posters) can write apparently, and came up with a pretty sweet screenplay about finding what you want to do in life that just happens to have super powers in it. It's not ABOUT super powers, they're just in it. It's a thing. You'll see. Probably.

This might be the first movie that we legitimately 'cast' cast. Mike recently held auditions for his short film that were arranged via Craig's List, which, hilarious though it may sound, proved very effective. There are way too many good actors and not nearly enough parts, and actors will totally do stuff for fun, practice, or just something to put on their reel. Should we have done this for Rough Cut? Maybe. Have we learned our lesson? Hell yes. Working with a lead we don't know personally, using everything we learned over the summer, and having Jon direct will prove to be a very interesting experience.

Will this movie have a legitimate production blog? Mayhap. An extra person who is obligated to help with production should make things considerably easier. My one major regret with the Rough Cut was not loading the prop camera with tape and a battery to make a really kickass production diary. There just wasn't enough time to think about it. I've been considering assigning someone else entirely to do the production diary/making of. That'd take a lot of pressure off me AND get more people involved in the project AND be a sweet compilation book, once we make enough movies. Good idea, me. Good idea.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


5 am is like, website building time, right? Officially? Pretty sure I read that somewhere not made up. Regardless, the last two 5 am's I've lived through have been completely dedicated to building the official Rough Cut website. 

Mike gave me very specific instructions as to what he wanted the site to look like, and I whipped something up in Photoshop, that will then be translated into HTML via Dreamweaver and then slapped onto the internet at 

We're hoping that the website will eventually evolve into the website for the production studios (cause, let's face it, The Rough Cut doesn't really need it's own website. It's like, what, 40 minutes long and shot in DV? Come on.

Er, uh, I mean, it is styled in the DV format, and supplemented with HD footage, to... uh... hour and a half...



ps: how 'bout that Presidency?