Friday, December 12, 2008

Awesome: I Shot That

I just finished editing one of the pivotal scenes in the film and I'm pretty sure it's going on my college demo reel. The scene was shot in my room (which was made even nerdier than it already was) and was directed by me (which ruled). Mike Allen is hilarious and a recent addition of sound effects has somehow made Jon and Morgan seem even more awkward than they already did.

The finished product of the film they're making in the movie is a lot better than I expected (or at least it is at this point). We all went out to finish shooting an earlier scene in the movie and, lucky for us, it starts raining torrentially. We took the opportunity and had Phil and I randomly beat on each other in the rain with very little choreography. It didn't flow together very well, but with the addition of Mike Allen's improv'd coaching from the other side of a computer screen (it makes sense when you watch it) everything just seems to fall into place.

Gonna go rough cut this fother muck,

ps: if you ever get the chance to fight in torrential rain in bad ass costumes while someone films it, DO IT. adrenaline rush ftw.

ps2: a bare-bones version of our website (essentially, the layout) can be viewed by clicking the poster to the right of this blog. it's pretty sweet.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Roughest Cut: why a 30-minute movies takes forever to edit

I've got a long 10 days ahead of me. Unfortunately, they're not nearly long enough.

A few days ago Mike informed me that he's too bogged down with his current film projects to edit the Rough Cut in time to record everyone's lines over winter break, which would push back completion of the film by several months. Luckily, I've already got rough cuts of several scenes of the film. Unluckily, it's not nearly enough. Why not? Check this out.

Donny's To-Do List
  1. Finish school
  2. Apply to college
  3. Fix shower/get new bed/finish getting Christmas presents before girlfriend arrives
  4. Train for 2nd degree black belt testing
  5. Edit the Rough Cut
With applying to college and my girlfriend heading down and the holidays coming up, the next few weeks of my life are going to be ridiculously busy without me editing the scenes. I'm happy to do it, I mean, editing is what started me on film making and anything to get the film done faster is fine with me, but I'm worried about editing scenes while my girlfriend is here, because it's insanely boring to watch and I'm already cutting our time together a day short by going to Sundance. Editing while she's here would just be dick.

Hoping someone makes a sweet movie about my stress-induced self decapitation,