Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Code of Honor NEEDS YOUR HELP!


This Saturday, you are invited to come out and participate in the filming of Code of Honor! We've finished building the set for the town, but we need your help to fill it out. We need people who want to come out for a day (or two!) and play peasants in the movie. Costumes will be provided for you, but if you feel the need to tear up some t shirts or you happen to have medieval looking clothes lying around, please, feel free to show up with your own stuff!

Free food (Krystal Burger? Pollo? Subway?) and a role in the movie? What more could you ask for?

Filming will be this weekend at 11:30. If you think you can show up, please let us know! It'll make scheduling a LOT easier. Also, feel free to bring your friends, provided they don't have anything that screams "not medieval times" about them. Adults are more than welcome.

To get to the set, just head down Sunrise towards the Swap Shop. After the turnpike, you're going to see a peach colored bridge (the second bridge) on your right. Head over that bridge and you'll see a big office building. Turn left and you'll see an identical building on the other side of a lake. Head down the road, make a right, and find #108. We'll probably have people out there to guide you, but if you get lost, call (954) 562-3581 and I'll give you directions.

If you can make it out, do it! What's a better use of your day than being in a movie?! Every person helps!


Code of Honor NEEDS YOUR HELP!

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